Tuesday, February 23, 2016

52 in 52 - Book 8 - The Best Yes - Lysa Terkeurst

This book has taken me a bit longer to read, it's so meaty and I really feel like I need to read it again and again to glean every last bit of wisdom from it so that I may live my best life. 

Wise decisions in the midst of endless demands is certainly something that we need to do more of in the face of our endless schedules and FOMO (fear of missing out) mentalities. About 250 pages, but every single one challenges our normal decision making processes and really start to live our best yes- not overdo life, not say yes from guilt or fear, not say no for selfishness or laziness, but to analyse each and every decision, and consider all possible outcomes. 
Highly recommend this book, I will read it again and hope to have it around to look back at for many years to come! 

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